
What is this?


The speak means:

  • Speak with sound_play.

  • Publish std_msgs/String message.

  • Publish jsk_gui_msgs/SlackMessage.

And this node speaks if target labels are found in input label image.

Subscribing Topic

  • ~input/label (sensor_msgs/Image)

    Label image to find target labels.

  • ~input/image (sensor_msgs/Image)

    Raw image which is used to speak with jsk_gui_msgs/SlackMessage.

Publishing Topic

  • ~output/string (std_msgs/String)

    Output message with string.

  • ~output/slack_msg (jsk_gui_msgs/SlackMessage)

    Output message to post to slack. This node can be easily integrated with jsk_tools/post_to_slack_server.


  • ~label_names (List of String, required)

    The name of labels.

  • ~target_labels (List of Int, required if ~target_label_names is not specified)

  • ~target_label_names (List of String, required if ~target_labels is not specified)

    Target label.

  • ~sound (Bool, default: true)

    Flag of using sound_play.

  • ~min_label_region (Float, default: 0.1)

    Threshold of label region to recognize as label is detected.

  • ~approximate_sync (Bool, default: False)

    Whether to use approximate for input topics.

  • ~queue_size (Int, default: 10)

    How many messages you allow about the subscriber to keep in the queue. This should be big when there is much difference about delay between two topics.

  • ~slop (Float, default: 0.1)

    How many seconds you allow about the difference of timestamp when you specify ~approximate_sync.


roslaunch jsk_perception sample_speak_when_label_found.launch