Bag of Features for Object Recognition

image0 (Demo of recognizing oreo snack from novel image input.)


  • scripts/

    • extract SIFT descriptor features from images.

    • the input data path format should be like below:

   ├── champion_copper_plus_spark_plug
   │   ├── img0000.jpg
   │   ├── img0001.jpg
   │   ├── img0002.jpg
   │   ...
   ├── cheezit_big_original
   ├── crayola_64_ct
   ├── dr_browns_bottle_brush
  • scripts/

    • extract BoF from descriptor features.

    • extract BoF Histogram from descriptor features.

  • scripts/

    • train classifier in scikit-learn with specified dataset and classifier model.


$ roscd jsk_perception/data

# download sample data
$ sudo pip install gdown
$ gdown "" \
    -O 20150428_collected_images.tgz

# create descriptors dataset
$ tar zxf 20150428_collected_images.tgz
$ rosrun jsk_perception 20150428_collected_images

# extract Bag of Features & its histogram
$ rosrun jsk_perception extract_bof 20150428_collected_images_sift_feature.pkl.gz
$ rosrun jsk_perception extract_bof_histogram 20150428_collected_images_sift_feature.pkl.gz \
    `rospack find jsk_perception`/trained_data/apc2015_sample_bof.pkl.gz \
    -O `rospack find jsk_perception`/trained_data/apc2015_sample_bof_hist.pkl.gz

# train classifier
$ rosrun jsk_perception \
    `rospack find jsk_perception`/trained_data/apc2015_sample_bof_hist.pkl.gz \
    -O `rospack find jsk_perception`/trained_data/apc2015_sample_clf.pkl.gz

# run for novel image
$ roslaunch jsk_perception sample_bof_object_recognition.launch

# check the result
$ rostopic echo /sklearn_classifier/output
data: oreo_mega_stuf