
What is this?

https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1901008/31119884-7063d85e-a86d-11e7-9d33-8b8290de4168.gif https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1901008/31119889-758b560e-a86d-11e7-9f84-3b9dd8db17bd.png

Draw rectangles (and their classes if available) on image


If you want to draw non-ascii characters, use draw_rects.py. The sample program described below (sample_draw_rects_for_non_ascii_labels.launch) needs to build jsk_recognition_utils in order to install Japanese fonts.

Subscribing Topic

  • ~input (sensor_msgs/Image)

    Raw image.

  • ~input/rects (jsk_recognition_msgs/RectArray)

    Rectangles on an input image.

  • ~input/class (jsk_recognition_msgs/ClassificationResult)

    Class labels for each rectangles.

Publishing Topic

  • ~output (sensor_msgs/Image)

    Image on which rectangles and classes are drawn.


  • ~approximate_sync (Bool, default: False)

    Whether to use approximate for input topics.

  • ~queue_size (Int, default: 100)

    How many messages you allow about the subscriber to keep in the queue. This should be big when there is much difference about delay between two topics.

  • ~use_classification_result (Bool, default: False)

    Use ~input/class as class labels if enabled.

  • ~show_proba (Bool, default: True)

    Show probability for each class labels if enabled. This option is valid when ~use_classification_result is True.

  • ~rect_boldness (Int, default: 2)

    Boldness for each rectangles.

  • ~font_path (String, default: "")

    Font path. This value is only valid in draw_rects.py. Specify the font with the characters you want to display.

  • ~label_size (Double, default: 1.0)

    Text size for each class labels.

  • ~label_boldness (Double, default: 2.0)

    Boldness for each characters of class label texts.

  • ~label_font (Enum[Int], default: FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX)

    Font for class labels.

  • ~label_margin_factor (Dobule, default: 1.1)

    Margin factor for class label background rectangle

  • ~resolution_factor (Double, default: 2.0)

    Factor for resolution of output image. When this option is set as 1.0, an output image has the same resolution as an input image.

  • ~interpolation_method (Enum[Int], default: INTER_LANCZOS4)

    Method for interpolation on input image resizing.


roslaunch jsk_perception sample_draw_rects.launch

The sample to display Japanese is as follows.

roslaunch jsk_perception sample_draw_rects_for_non_ascii_labels.launch