

Apply mask image to original image and visualize it. It’s a utlity to visualize mask image.

Subscribing Topic

  • ~input (sensor_msgs/Image)

    Original image.

  • ~input/mask (sensor_msgs/Image)

  • ~input/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo, optional)

    Mask image.

Publishing Topic

  • ~output (sensor_msgs/Image)

    Masked image. The image is clipped by bounding box of mask image and filtered by the mask. The region not specified by mask image is filled by 0.

  • ~output/mask (sensor_msgs/Image)

    Clipped mask image. The image is clipped by bounding box of mask image.

  • ~output/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)

    camra_info whose roi is bounding box of mask image.


  • ~approximate_sync (Bool, default: false)

    Approximately synchronize inputs if it’s true.

  • ~negative (Bool, default: false)

    Flip the max region of mask image or not.

  • ~clip (Bool, default: true)

    Clip the max region of mask image or not.

  • ~negative/before_clip (Bool, default: true)

    This decides order of negative and clip. If true, negative process is before clipping.

  • ~queue_size (Int, default: 100)

    How many messages you allow about the subscriber to keep in the queue. This should be big when there is much difference about delay between two topics.

  • ~cval (Int, default: 0)

    Used to fill image before masking with input image and mask.

  • ~mask_black_to_transparent (Bool, default: false)

    Change black region of mask image to transparent and publish RGBA8 image as ~output if its’ true.

  • ~use_rectified_image (Bool, default: true)

    Set camera_info.roi.do_rectify of the output to true if it’s true.


roslaunch jsk_perception sample_apply_mask_image.launch