

Calcute object pose compared to template.

Subscribing Topic

  • /ImageFeature0D (posedetection_msgs::ImageFeature0D)

    Image, camera and template feature information. You can use ImageShift to get it.

Publishing Topics

  • /ObjectDetection (posedetection_msgs::ObjectDetection)

    Detected object pose with time stamp.

  • /ObjectDetection_agg (posedetection_msgs::ObjectDetection)

    Detected object pose with time stamp.

  • /object_pose (geometry_msgs::PoseStamped)

    Detected Object Pose.

  • ~debug_image (cv_bridge::CvImage)

    Output image for debug.

  • /tf (tf2_msgs/TFMessage)

    Detected Object Frame when ~publish_tf is set to true.


  • ~template_filename (str default: "/sample/opencv-logo2.png")

    path to template image

  • ~object_width (float default: 0.06)

    Width of template image

  • ~object_height (float default: 0.0739)

    Height of template image

  • ~relative_pose (str default: "0 0 0 0 0 0 1")

    Coordinate of the object relative to the texture

  • ~reprojection_threshold (float default: 3.0)

  • ~distanceratio_threshold (float default: 0.49)

  • ~error_threshold (float default: 50.0)

  • ~theta_step (float default: 5.0)

  • ~phi_step (float default: 5.0)

  • ~viewer_window (bool default: true)

  • ~window_name (str default: "sample1")

  • ~autosize (bool default: false)

    The window size is automatically adjusted to fit the displayed image, and you cannot change the window size manually.

  • ~publish_null_object_detection (bool default: false)

  • ~publish_tf (bool defaut: false)

    If set to true, detected object pose is also broadcasted as tf frame.

  • ~child_frame_id (string default: "matching")

    frame_id of detected object when ~publish_tf is set to true.


  • /SetTemplate (SetTemplate)

    Used to add another template.

Mouse Event


Set template from viewer window.

To specify the range of template, left-click four corners clockwise from upper left. Selected points are reset by right-clicking.

After all four points are selected, you can input template’s width, height and filename. The filename should have an extention.



roslaunch jsk_perception sample_point_pose_extractor.launch
rostopic echo /ObjectDetection

Example of how to run set_template service

client.call is available only after the node receives ImageFeature0D.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import cv2

import cv_bridge
import rospy
from jsk_perception.srv import SetTemplate, SetTemplateRequest


client = rospy.ServiceProxy('SetTemplate', SetTemplate)

req= SetTemplateRequest()

im = cv2.imread('../../sample/ros_diamondback.jpg')
bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()
imgmsg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(im, encoding='bgr8')
imgmsg.header.frame_id = 'dummy_camera'
imgmsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

req.type = 'img0001'
req.image = imgmsg
req.dimx = 0.1
req.dimy = 0.05
req.savefilename = 'img0001.png'
res = client.call(req)