

Select object bounding box by human pointing his/her finger toward one of them.

Subscribing Topics

  • ~input (jsk_recognition_msgs/PeoplePoseArray)

    Pose of human pointing his/her finger toward some objects.

  • ~input/boxes (jsk_recogntion_msgs/BoundingBoxArray)

    Object bounding boxes.

  • ~input/class (jsk_recognition_msgs/ClassificationResult)

    Label of objects.

    This topic is subscribed only when ~use_classfication_result is True.

Publishing Topics

  • ~output (jsk_recognition_msgs/BoundingBoxArray)

    Pointed object bounding box.

  • ~output/marker_array (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray)

    Finger marker.


  • ~use_classfication_result (Bool, default: False)

    If True, this node will subscribe ~input/class.

    Also, parameter ~approximate_sync and ~queue_size will be enabled.

  • ~approximate_sync (Bool, default: True)

    Allow approximate synchronization of ~input/boxes and ~input/class.

  • ~queue_size (Int, default: 10 (when ~approximate_sync is True) or 100 (when ~approximate_sync is False))

    Maximum number of messages stored into subscriber for synchronization.

  • ~slop (Float, default: 0.1)

    Maximum allowed time for approximate synchronization in [sec].

    This parameter is enabled only when ~approximate_sync is True.

  • ~min_dist_threshold (Float, default: 0.0)

    Minimum allowed distance from left/right hand to the nearest object.

  • ~max_dist_threshold (Float, default: 0.1)

    Maximum allowed distance from left/right hand to the nearest object.

  • ~min_norm_threshold (Float, default: 0.2)

    Minimum allowed distance from left/right finger to object candidates.

  • ~use_tf2_buffer_client (Bool, default: True)

    Whether to use tf2_ros.BufferClient or not.

    If false, tf2_ros.Buffer and tf2_ros.TransformListener will be used.


roslaunch jsk_perception sample_pointit.launch