

Compute polygon likelihood based on distance of histograms.

Subscribing Topics

  • ~input/polygons (jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray)

    Input polygons.

  • ~input/histograms (jsk_recognition_msgs/HistogramWithRangeArray)

    Color histogram of input polygons.

  • ~input/reference (jsk_recognition_msgs/HistogramWithRange)

    Reference color histogram.

Publishing Topics

  • ~output (jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray)

    Output polygons with updated likelihood field.


  • ~approximate_sync (Bool, default: false)

    Approximately synchronize ~input/polygons and ~input/histograms.

  • ~max_queue_size (Int, default: 10)

    Queue size of subscriber

  • ~synchronizer_queue_size (Int, default: 100)

    Queue size of message filter

  • ~reference_file (String, default: "")

    If this parameter is specified, PolygonArrayColorLikelihood reads reference histogram from a yaml file instead of subscribing ~input/reference.

    The yaml file format is

      min_value: xx
      max_value: xx
      count: xx
      min_value: xx
      max_value: xx
      count: xx
  • ~coefficient_method (Int, default: 0)

    Method to compute coefficient between two histograms.

    Choose from correlancy (0), chi_squared (1), intersect (2), bhattacharyya (3), EMD_Manhattan (4) and EMD_Euclid (5).

    This parameter can be changed by dynamic_reconfigure.


roslaunch jsk_perception sample_polygon_array_color_likelihood.launch