

This nodelet will republish bounding box array which is transformed with the designated frame_id.

Subscribing Topics

  • ~input (jsk_recognition_msgs/BoundingBoxArray)

    input bounding box array.

Publishing Topics

  • ~output (jsk_recognition_msgs/BoundingBoxArray)

    output bounding box array.


  • ~target_frame_id (string, required)

    The frame_id to transform bounding box array.

  • ~use_latest_tf (Bool, default: false)

    If this parameter is true, ignore timestamp of tf to transform bounding box array.

  • ~tf_queue_size (Int, default: 10)

    Queue size of tf message filter to synchronize tf and ~input topic.


roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros_utils sample_tf_transform_bounding_box_array.launch