
Nodelet based designe

Programs in jsk_recognition is written as nodelet to overcome communication overhead and they will not be activated until output topics is subscribed by other nodes.

The nodelets in jsk_recognition inherit jsk_topic_tools::ConnectionBasedNodelet. The superclass provides functionarity “Do not subscribe input topics if no output is required”.

Representation of subset of image and pointcloud

jsk_recognition uses mask image, point indices and so on to represent subset of image and pointcloud.

  • Mask Image sensor_msgs/Image

    Mask image is a black and white image (encoded as MONO8) to represent subset of image.

  • Label Image sensor_msgs/Image

    Label image is a image (encoded as TYPE_32FC1) to represent subsets of image.

  • ROI sensor_msgs/CameraInfo

    ROI is an rectangular space of image. roi fields of sensor_msgs/CameraInfo is used to represent ROI.

  • Rect geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped

    Rect is a 2-D polygonal region of image. geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped is originally designed for 3-D polygon, but in this case, it is used as 2-D polygon.

  • Point Indices pcl_msgs/PointIndices

    Point indices represent subset of pointcloud.

  • Cluster Point Indices jsk_recognition_msgs/ClusterPointIndices

    Cluster point indices is a set of point indices.
