

Compute likelihood based on angular distance. The nearer polygon is, the larger likelihood is.

The likelihood is determined by 1/(1+d^2) where d is a angular difference from ~target_frame_id to the polygon.

Subscribing Topic

  • ~input (jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray)

    Input polygon array.

Publishing Topic

  • ~output (jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray)

    Output polygon array.


  • ~target_frame_id (String, required)

    Frame id to compute polygon’s distance from.

  • ~tf_queue_size (Int, Default: 10)

    Queue size of tf message filter

  • ~axis (List of float, Default: [1, 0, 0])

    Reference direction in ~target_frame_id coordinates system.


roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros_utils sample_polygon_array_angle_likelihood.launch