What is this?

This node dynamically reconfigures the ~tolerance rosparam of jsk_pcl_ros/euclid_clustering (jsk_pcl/EuclideanClustering) considering the number of objects in the region of interest.

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  • ~k_cluster (jsk_recognition_msgs/Int32Stamped)

    Expected number of clusters.

  • ~{node}/cluster_num (jsk_recognition_msgs/Int32Stamped)

    Actual number of clusters. {node} is the value of rosparam ~node. See Parameters for detail.

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  • ~node (type: String, required)

    Node name of jsk_pcl_ros/euclid_clustering.

  • ~default_tolerance (type: Float, required)

    Default value of tolerance.

  • ~reconfig_eps (type: Float, default: 0.2)

    Rate of reconfiguration compared to the value at each time.

  • ~reconfig_n_limit (type: Int, default 10)

    Number of times of reconfiguration.