
What Is This


Segment planes from point cloud.

This node can be applied to unorganized point cloud.

If you have organized one, we recommend you to use jsk_pcl/OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation for faster segmentation.

Subscribing Topic

  • ~input (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)

    Input point cloud.

  • ~input_normal (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)

    Input point cloud which contains normal for each point.

  • ~input_clusters (jsk_recognition_msgs/ClusterPointIndices)

    Input clusters for each of which planes are segmented.

  • ~input_imu (sensor_msgs/Imu)

    Input IMU.

    linear_acceleration field is used for plane segmentation.

    Please see ~use_imu_parallel and ~use_imu_perpendicular.

Publishing Topic

  • ~output_indices (jsk_recognition_msgs/ClusterPointIndices)

    Plane indices.

  • ~output_coefficients (jsk_recognition_msgs/ModelCoefficientsArray)

    Normal coefficients of each plane.

  • ~output_polygons (jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray)

    Plane Polygons.


  • ~use_normal (Bool, default: False)
  • ~use_clusters (Bool, default: False)
  • ~use_imu_parallel (Bool, default: False)
  • ~use_imu_perpendicular (Bool, default: False)

If ~use_normal is set to True, ~input_normal will be subscribed.

If either ~use_imu_parallel or ~use_imu_perpendicular is set to True, ~input_imu will be subscribed.

~use_imu_parallel should be enabled when you want to determine a plane parallel to the linear_acceleration axis.

On the other hand, ~use_imu_perpendicular should be enabled when you want to determine a plane perpendicular to the linear_acceleration axis.

~use_clusters can be enabled when none of paramters above is enabled, and then ~input_clusters will be subscribed.

So, the possible input patterns are below:

  1. ~input, ~input_normal, ~input_imu
  2. ~input, ~input_normal
  3. ~input, ~input_imu
  4. ~input, ~input_clusters
  5. ~input
  • ~outlier_threshold (Float, default: 0.01)

    Distance threshold in meters to remove outliers.

    This parameter can be changed by dynamic_reconfigure.

  • ~max_iterations (Int, default: 1000)

    Maximum number of iterations in plane segmentation.

    This parameter can be changed by dynamic_reconfigure.

  • ~min_inliers (Int, default: 5000)

    Minimum number of points you allow about segmented planes.

    This parameter can be changed by dynamic_reconfigure.

  • ~min_points (Int, default: 1000)

    Minimum total number of outliers in each segmentation used for defining inputs at next loop.

    This parameter can be changed by dynamic_reconfigure.

  • ~min_trial (Int, default: 3)

    Number of times for which this node tries to segment planes when number of inlier points < ~min_inliers.

    This parameter can be changed by dynamic_reconfigure.

  • ~eps_angle (Float, default: 0.01)

    Maximum allowed difference between the model normal and the given axis in radians.

    This parameter is enabled only when ~use_imu_parallel or ~use_imu_perpendicular is enabled.

    This parameter can be changed by dynamic_reconfigure.

  • ~normal_distance_weight (Float, default: 0.1)

    Relative weight (between 0 and 1) to give to the angular distance (0 to pi/2) between point normals and the plane normal.

    This parameter can be changed by dynamic_reconfigure.


roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros sample_multi_plane_sac_segmentation.launch