
Classify point indices using color histogram by comparing with reference histogram array

Methods for histogram comparison is configurable from multiple methods. (See parameter ~compare_policy) After computing distance between input histograms and reference, classify by their labels (See parameter ~detection_threshold) Reference histograms are loaded from rosparam on start.

Subscribing Topics

  • ~input (jsk_recognition_msgs/ColorHistogram)

    Input color histogram to be classified

  • ~input/array (jsk_recognition_msgs/ColorHistogramArray)

    Input color histogram array to be classified

Publishing Topics

  • ~output (jsk_recognition_msgs/ClassificationResult)

    Class from color histogram array


  • ~queue_size (Int, default: 100)

    Queue size for message synchronization

  • ~compare_policy (Enum[Int], default: CORRELATION)

    Policy for histogram values to compare

      • Use correlation
      • Use bhattacharyya distance
      • Use vector intersection
    • 3: CHISQUARE
      • Use chi-square between two vectors
      • Use Kullback-Leibler divergence for comparing two vectors
  • ~label_names (String[], required)

    Reference class names

    This parameter is required on start

  • ~histograms/<label name> (Double[], required)

    Reference histogram vector for each class

    Length of all histograms must be the same.

  • ~detection_threshold (Double, default: 0.8)

    Color histograms and point cloud indices whose similarities are above this value are published as filtered topics.

Collecting Reference Color Histogram

  1. First, launch color histogram without classifier

    roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros sample_color_histogram.launch use_classifier:=false
  2. Put one object on a plane

    Once you put a object, you can see color histogram in rqt_image_view

  3. Open another terminal and get a histogram

    Now you can get actual histogram data by rostopic echo.

    rostopic echo -n1 /color_histogram/color_hiogram/output/histograms/histogram[0]
    [0.22604790329933167, 0.026946106925606728, 0.01646706648170948, 0.009730539284646511, 0.010479042306542397, 0.024700598791241646, 0.08757484704256058, 0.13173653185367584, 0.07335329055786133, 0.040419161319732666, 0.0359281450510025, 0.2365269511938095, 0.08008982241153717, 0.0]

    Write this vector data into yaml file so that classifier nodelet can load the histogram as reference.

    # labels.yaml
      - coffee
      coffee: [0.22604790329933167, 0.026946106925606728, 0.01646706648170948, 0.009730539284646511, 0.010479042306542397, 0.024700598791241646, 0.08757484704256058, 0.13173653185367584, 0.07335329055786133, 0.040419161319732666, 0.0359281450510025, 0.2365269511938095, 0.08008982241153717, 0.0]
  4. Load reference histograms to classifier

    Now you can register reference histograms to classifier in launch file

    <node name="color_histogram_classifier"
          pkg="jsk_pcl_ros" type="color_histogram_classifier">
      <rosparam command="load" file="labels.yaml" />
  5. Run and get result

    You will be able to get classification result as jsk_recognition_msgs/ClassificationResult.

See jsk_pcl_ros/sample/sample_color_histogram.launch for detail.