# jsk_pr2_startup

## setup

###. rewrite /etc/ros/robot.launch

Please rewrite /etc/ros/robot.launch like following: ```xml <launch>

<!– Robot Description –> <param name=”robot_description” textfile=”/etc/ros/groovy/urdf/robot.xml” />

<!– Robot Analyzer –> <rosparam command=”load” file=”$(find pr2_bringup)/config/pr2_analyzers.yaml” ns=”diag_agg” />

<!– Robot bringup –> <include file=”$(find jsk_pr2_startup)/pr2_bringup.launch” /> <!– <group> –> <!– <remap from=”/joy” to=”/joy_org”/> –> <!– <include file=”$(find pr2_bringup)/pr2.launch” /> –> <!– </group> –>

<!– Web ui –> <!– include file=”$(find webui)/webui.launch” /> –>

<!– Android app –> <include file=”$(find local_app_manager)/app_manager.launch” >

<arg name=”ROBOT_NAME” value=”pr1012” /> <arg name=”ROBOT_TYPE” value=”pr2” />


<!– RobotWebTools –> <include file=”$(find rwt_image_view)/launch/rwt_image_view.launch”/>

<!– kinect –> <include file=”$(find jsk_pr2_startup)/jsk_pr2_sensors/kinect_head.launch”>

<arg name=”respawn” value=”false” />

</include> <rosparam file=”/etc/ros/robot.yaml”/>



### launch mongodb for multiple users

Different users in same unix group can’t run mongod against single db owned by that group. This is because mongod opens database files using the O_NOATIME flag to the open system call. Open with O_NOATIME only works if the UID completelly matchs or the caller is priviledged (CAP_FOWNER) for security reasons. So if you want to launch mongodb with shared database resouces, it’s better to use POSIX Capabilities in Linux.

`bash # In Ubuntu $ sudo aptitude install libcap2-bin $ sudo setcap cap_fowner+ep /usr/bin/mongod `

### Hark with Microcone

#### documentation - Hark installation: http://www.hark.jp/wiki.cgi?page=HARK+Installation+Instructions - hark jsk installation: https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty/blob/master/hark_jsk_plugins/INSTALL - Microcone: http://www.hark.jp/wiki.cgi?page=SupportedHardware#p10

### Bind rfcomm device

By binding rfcomm device, we can connect bluetooth device via device file (e.g. /dev/rfcomm1). For example, rosserial with [this PR](https://github.com/ros-drivers/rosserial/pull/569) can be used over bluetooth connection.

For detail, please see https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/blob/master/jsk_robot_common/jsk_robot_startup/README.md#launchrfcomm_bindlaunch

#### usage

Save the bluetooth device MAC address to file like /var/lib/robot/rfcomm_devices.yaml in PR2.

``` - name: device1

address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

  • name: device2 address: YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY


Then, bind rfcomm devices.

` # login as root user in pr2 ssh pr2 su # Assume the bluetooth dongle is plugged into c2 roslaunch jsk_pr2_startup pr2_rfcomm_bind.launch machine:=c2 `

To check how many devices are bound to rfcomm, use rfcomm command. ` ssh pr2 ssh c2 rfcomm `

#### management

Currently in PR2, pr2_rfcomm_bind.launch is started automatically by upstart.

The upstart config file is in /etc/upstart/jsk-rfcomm-bind.conf in PR2.